• @restlesslens Awesome. Reminds me that I haven't listened to him in a while.

  • @Munish yes, same here. Often switching back-and-forth between digital and analog. I want it to be low friction so whatever is easiest, I do. There's more emotion in handwriting, so if I'm doing some personal explorations, that's best for a paper journal. The digital versions are great for a logging stuff and they're searchable, of course. 

  • @jtr I journal every day. Sometimes in a notebook and sometimes in an obsidian daily note that comes up as a template for me to fill in. The notebooks I'm using have 190 something pages so they last a couple of months. It's a big deal to switch to a new notebook! 

  • @V_ I use the red ones when I need to work out a storyline or when I am writing some character background. Sometimes I journal in the personality of the character. The black notebooks are meeting notes, financial calculations. So when I think about it, they are sort of left brain – right brain notebooks. 

  • @jessekelber @munish Makes sense! I also started a pocket notebook for sports, running logs, tennis TIL, that I can throw in the bottom of a backpack.